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Delve into the revolutionary theories of astrophysicist Nikolay Kozyrev, who viewed time not just as a passive backdrop but as an active, flowing energy. Learn how his pioneering research, including the enigmatic Kozyrev Mirror, challenges our conventional understanding of time and opens doors to new realms of consciousness.

How the astrophysicist Nikolay Kozyrev may have unravelled the mystery of time.

When we think of time, we have learned to regard it as an unavoidable, all-pervasive and implicit reality that is so intrinsic to everything in the universe that it seems impossible to extract any other meaning from it than the fact that “time is passing”.

Like space, time has come to be understood as the backdrop upon which events happen, so fundamental that it is untouchable. The arrow of time is relentlessly moving forward, nothing escapes that. And yet, all the great teachers of the ages are speaking of Eternity, they come to us from Infinity and manifest in timeless Bodies of Light upon the stage of human evolutionary history.

What a contrast! Even in our own experiences of higher consciousness, meditation, and remote viewing there are moments when we reach beyond time, and spatial distance becomes void. We can know details of faraway places, we can ‘pre-cognize’ events ahead of time. Relativity theory and quantum physics have tried to answer this dichotomy.

Particles and quantum events can be “entangled“, communicating simultaneously. But it is still all very “spooky” (a term that Einstein used) and baffling the commonsense perception of scientists and public alike. But is time really just a one-dimensional immovable reference frame? Has our commonsense perception been tricked into accepting and measuring linear time and three-dimensional space?

A clock shows the current position of an artificially stabilized mechanical or electronic process. It does not really reflect time, but reenforces the belief that time is linear and uniform. Stabilized processes, however, are not natural. Even our hearts aren’t ticking like a clock. If that was the case we would die. Heart rate variability is one of the key signs of health and resilience. To this day, calendars and clocks are conceived in a way that only represents the quantity of time (in years, hours, seconds…), its duration. They cannot map the continually changing quality of time, its chronology or event sequence.

The Keys of Enoch®, Key 313:31
In telethought communication with non-physical worlds, there is no “time-lag,” the processes of the brain are “instantaneous” provided the third eye network is compatible with the Merkabah. The mind in so far as it is communicating through mass-perception (i.e., the mass of the physical energy fields), is limited to duration; however, in so far as it is communicating through nonphysical thresholds, it is limited only by sequence in thought-forms. This means, with the proper thought-forms, there is no limitation to telethought communication provided the sender and the receiver have compatibility.

Over many decades, Russian research has demonstrated that time also has qualities. Time has properties like density, speed, and direction. Fundamental insights into the nature of time were provided by famous astrophysicist Nikolay Kozyrev (1908-1983), who regarded time as a form of energy continually flowing into existence and universally being shared by all objects and processes.

Any natural process produces and spends time-energy. The greatest producers of time-energy are stars and galactic objects. By understanding this flow of time-energy, it becomes theoretically possible to influence and control time.

Such ideas may sound metaphysical, and indeed have been derided as pseudoscientific by critics, if it wasn’t for Kozyrev’s unique status as an outstanding scientist and astrophysicist. He was the first to prove that the Moon was still seismically active and correctly predicted the absence of the Moon’s magnetic field. He also made specific predictions about the atmosphere of Venus and Mercury that were later confirmed. All of his discoveries were initially doubted and criticized by the scientific community which later had to accept them as correct.

Kozyrev was imprisoned by the Stalin regime, spending more than 10 years in the Gulag in the permafrost region of Siberia. Despite hardship and periods of solitary confinement, Kozyrev continued to work in astrophysics on a theoretical basis and in 1947 was able to write and defend his dissertation on “The theory of the internal structure of stars as a basis for studying the nature of stellar energy” only 3 months after his release. According to Kozyrev’s calculations, nuclear fusion processes alone cannot account for the energy output of stars. The temperature inside stars is insufficient for such thermonuclear reactions to occur.

There had to be another source of energy that the stars drew from somewhere. Kozyrev moored it in Time. Based on his theory, Kozyrev made actual observations of the past, present and future positions of galactic objects! These observations led to a flurry of new experiments and technological developments in the study of time, particularly in the academic city of Novosibirsk where a device was invented that would be able to condense or diffract the flow of time – the so-called “Kozyrev Mirror”.

The Kozyrev Mirror, developed by Vlail P. Kaznacheev, and its subsequent experiments in consciousness and remote viewing were even reported in the 1970 classic on Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder that showed the enormous headway the Soviet Union had against the West in all matters of ESP and consciousness research.

During the Cold War (as well as before and after), secret agencies on both sides of the Iron curtain had engaged in a race of psychic studies. Both the KGB and CIA and related institutions spent millions on psychic research, remote viewing and MK-Ultra techniques. Russia was far ahead in their theoretical and experimental understanding of consciousness, telepathy and remote influencing not least due to the ideas of Nikolay Kozyrev.

The Kozyrev Mirror – by means of its material and geometry – creates a domain of time compression almost like a lens of time. Similar to a beam of light in a microscope that helps increase our perception and can make things visible that the eye cannot normally see, a beam of time helps to perceive temporal phenomena of past, present, and future. Entering into the space of a Kozyrev Mirror has measurable effects on the human epiphysis (pineal gland) and extraordinary perceptions become possible.

The human mind is vastly enhanced in its ability to communicate telepathically and receive information from distant futures. We envision a network of Kozyrev Mirrors around the planet as cosmological tools of contact, prayer, and ‘peace talks’ that will inspire a new chapter of astrophysics for humanity.

When operated by responsible and aware members of the human race we will be able to reach not only outer space but also the “InSpace” of cosmic consciousness. The science of the future is a science of consciousness. See you in the future selected.

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