As evidenced by numerous reviews of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, approximately 1,000 papers on GDV research have been published in Russia and the West. The data indicates that information based on biofield measurement devices, such as GDV, can facilitate a more profound comprehension of disease states and direct doctors, practitioners and their patients towards enhanced states of well-being. All authors concur that the GDV is a valuable instrument for biofield science. The results of clinical-physiological studies investigating the relationships between GDV parameters and a range of other physiological variables, including electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin), and acupuncture points. It has been demonstrated that the GDV method is an effective means of reflecting the state of the body’s neuro-endocrine-immune complex and other parameters. The latest iteration of the GDV – Bio-Well device employs data processing on a server.
The study of the remote effects of meditation and intentions is a significant area of interest within the field of Bio-Well research. To this end, a special environmental sensor, designated “Sputnik,” and a Bio-Well water installation were employed. This enabled the detection of sensor responses to both individual and group meditation sessions. In several sessions, group meditation was conducted with multiple sensors positioned within the room. All sensors exhibited a response to the meditation process, demonstrating a statistically significant difference between the parameters recorded 30 minutes prior to meditation and during the 20 minutes of meditation.
In a series of experiments, the “Sputnik” sensor was employed in conjunction with the Bio-Well water sensor for the purpose of detecting remote intention. Individuals and groups from various countries attempted to transmit their intentions to the sensors in our laboratory at a specific time. The sensors were activated at 10 a.m. in offline mode, and all researchers vacated the room, and the door was closed. By 5 pm, the recording was terminated, and all the data was transmitted to the server for processing. In 80% of the experiments, both sensors exhibited a change in their parameters at the moment of intention transmission.
In numerous experiments with various energy healers, we observed a positive influence on individuals with the Bio-Well device.
The presented data permit the supposition that consciousness is not a localized activity of the brain, but rather an omnipresent phenomenon that is connected to the Consciousness Field of the Universe.
Azevedo E. Is There an Information Field? Empirical Approach Using Electrophotonic Analysis. Journal of Life Sciences 11(2017)191-201.2021.
Valverde R. The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness as a Framework for Altered States of Consciousness Research. NeuroQuantology. 20, 3:187-197. 2022.
Korotkov K.G., Remote detection of the group meditation with several sensors. J Applied Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 15 (2) 146-149,2022,.
Korotkov K., Yanovskaja E. The Principles of Bio-Well Analysis. Amazon Publishing, 2024.
Korotkov K. Wizards of the Quantum World. Amazon Publishing, 2024.