As evidenced by numerous reviews of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, approximately 1,000 papers on GDV research have been published in Russia and the West. The data indicates that information based on biofield measurement devices, such as GDV, can facilitate a more profound comprehension of disease states and direct doctors, practitioners and their patients towards enhanced states of well-being. All authors concur that the GDV is a valuable instrument for biofield science. The results of clinical-physiological studies investigating the relationships between GDV parameters and a range of other physiological variables, including electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin), and acupuncture points. It has been demonstrated that the GDV method is an effective means of reflecting the state of the body’s neuro-endocrine-immune complex and other parameters. The latest iteration of the GDV – Bio-Well device employs data processing on a server.
The study of the remote effects of meditation and intentions is a significant area of interest within the field of Bio-Well research. To this end, a special environmental sensor, designated “Sputnik,” and a Bio-Well water installation were employed. This enabled the detection of sensor responses to both individual and group meditation sessions. In several sessions, group meditation was conducted with multiple sensors positioned within the room. All sensors exhibited a response to the meditation process, demonstrating a statistically significant difference between the parameters recorded 30 minutes prior to meditation and during the 20 minutes of meditation.
In a series of experiments, the “Sputnik” sensor was employed in conjunction with the Bio-Well water sensor for the purpose of detecting remote intention. Individuals and groups from various countries attempted to transmit their intentions to the sensors in our laboratory at a specific time. The sensors were activated at 10 a.m. in offline mode, and all researchers vacated the room, and the door was closed. By 5 pm, the recording was terminated, and all the data was transmitted to the server for processing. In 80% of the experiments, both sensors exhibited a change in their parameters at the moment of intention transmission.
In numerous experiments with various energy healers, we observed a positive influence on individuals with the Bio-Well device.
The presented data permit the supposition that consciousness is not a localized activity of the brain, but rather an omnipresent phenomenon that is connected to the Consciousness Field of the Universe.
Azevedo E. Is There an Information Field? Empirical Approach Using Electrophotonic Analysis. Journal of Life Sciences 11(2017)191-201.2021.
Valverde R. The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness as a Framework for Altered States of Consciousness Research. NeuroQuantology. 20, 3:187-197. 2022.
Korotkov K.G., Remote detection of the group meditation with several sensors. J Applied Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 15 (2) 146-149,2022,.
Korotkov K., Yanovskaja E. The Principles of Bio-Well Analysis. Amazon Publishing, 2024.
Korotkov K. Wizards of the Quantum World. Amazon Publishing, 2024.
This talk is a practical guide to a deeply spiritual life. No need to climb the highest mountain or accomplish great feats of esotericism—the greatest spiritual tools that exist are accessible to everyone, all the time! We just have to recognize them and know how to apply them. This talk will equip you with practical, life-changing practices rooted in ancient wisdom yet accessible, relevant, and effective in the modern world.
Curtis Childs is the host and producer of the weekly program Swedenborg and Life, which has accumulated more than 30 million views and nearly 120,000 subscribers on YouTube. Curtis has appeared on numerous spirituality-themed talk shows and has had his content featured on the Dr. Oz show. He works with his team at the non-profit Swedenborg Foundation to create simple, effective inquiries into life’s biggest questions.
Dr. Todd has composed and produced for the first time since ancient days a series of Lemurian Choirs. The first in Maui at the date of the end of the Mayan calendar, 12-21-12, had over 900 choristers. This complex of rich interdimensional tones, resonances and harmonics are designed to awaken the deepest layers of DNA where our memories of mastery and latent abilities reside. The impact of a single 3 day choir event can propel an increase in the Hawkins calibrated scale of consciousness that in his writings would otherwise take lifetimes to achieve. Since 2012 as series of choirs have been produced at power points of the world such as Mount Shasta, Mont Blanc in the French Alps and Glastonbury that have opened a series of time capsules of wisdom and knowledge for accelerated planetary enlightenment.
While the focus of this presentation will be on the use and experience of tonal resonance and harmonics, Dr. Todd also works with advanced interdimensional light frequency technology. He will share a brief overview of their work with a profound type of stem cell that resides dormant in everyone that can be activated for profound age reversal effects. Thus far they have seen a usual 3 years biological age reversal at the DNA level per treatment. With 4 treatments, 12 year biological age reversal has been seen, the most in medical history. This has also been applied to make the world’s fist new form of aspirin in a century that is stable at room temperature, which shows a sustained energetic state that has previously not been possible to achieve. Imbued in nutritional chemistry and subjected to controlled clinical trials, extraordinary biological benefits and regeneration have been seen. Applied to agricultural nutrients, multiples of yield increases have been seen and nutrient densities in the sap have increased 300% or more. Use of this tech can produce much higher yields of high vibrational nutrient dense food that supports greater health and wellness, life extension and even enhanced awareness.
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys was first in his class in high school and won the coveted Bucky pioneer award. He was also at the top of his class at Northwestern University with the highest possible grade point average and after two years was one of 26 people accepted into an accelerated undergraduate and medical training program at Johns Hopkins University and Medical School. He then completed specialty training in Internal Medicine and subspecialty training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Georgetown University hospital. He was assessed by a faculty committee as the best of all the residents across the board.
He was inspired to move to California to understand energy medicine and shortly after the journey had a vision of communicating with the pure consciousness of DNA. This has resulted in co-inventing a laser based interdimensional platform which has numerous US and international patents granted in the areas of nutraceuticals, agriculture including cannabis, and especially stem cell biology. He also pursues and provides training in the area of psycho emotional medicine, getting at the core root of any condition, physical or psychiatric, that can offer lasting relief. These discoveries have the potential to be a part of what may revolutionize and personalize the practice of medicine. He is also the composer, a soloist for, and at times co-conductor of the Lemurian choirs that create patterns of tones and information that can accelerate expansion of consciousness.
SELF William Henry, an expert in the art and science of human ascension and transformation, offers a unique experience of “sacred art light contagion” and heart activation. Though a stunning collection of images featuring avatars and awakened or ascended ones drawn from the ancient to the modern world, he blends timeless spiritual wisdom with the latest heart and neuroscience. His offering illuminates the way to feed and nurture the body of light within and links you to your Ascended Self. “Where the soul goes, the body follows,” says William. Bring your highest soul consciousness into your heart and watch everything align in a new way.
Like any species whose collective behavioral patterns have become maladaptive for its survival, humanity must evolve – or face the very real possibility of extinction. Will we harness a critical mass of people dedicated to a better way, a more evolved understanding of ourselves and our purpose on this earth, to interrupt the patterns of fear that now dominate our planet?
And what or who is the mutation that will open up the possibility? The great spiritual figures of the world represent the radical way of being. In order to change the world we have begun to rethink it.
From peace to politics to medicine to energy, we are looking anew at practically every area of our lives in order to drop what no longer serves us and embrace new possibilities. Marianne Williamson will explore the integration of spirit and matter that paves the way to a healed and whole society.
Embark on a rare and transformative journey beyond the veil, witnessing firsthand the awe-inspiring and uplifting view from the other side.
Anita Moorjani, best-selling author and acclaimed inspirational speaker, will take you on a journey to a world beyond this one, as she recounts her riveting near-death experience (NDE). Anita’s extraordinary voyage to the other side revealed a realm of boundless love and acceptance, profoundly altering her perceptions of health, fear, and the very essence of existence. By weaving the profound lessons gleaned from her experience, Anita presents a revolutionary perspective on life within our three-dimensional world. During this presentation, Anita will underscore the importance of unconditional self-love and living your purpose, delve into developing and maintaining our connection with the other side, and highlight the profound health and healing that is accessible within us all. She will also take you on your own mini-journey so you can have a deeper understanding of what she experienced on the other side.
Your Journey to understanding starts here…
Our societies are going through crisis. The signs are everywhere—economic meltdowns, environmental pollution and global climate change, worldview polarization of politics and frozen democracies, terrorism, loss of meaning and value in education in favor of information processing, healthcare systems whose cost cannot be contained, etc. Not coincidentally, there is an acute need for a paradigm shift in our science that is ridden with paradoxes and anomalous data. Such a paradigm shift has begun under the aegis of quantum physics and with it a change is taking place in our worldview from religious dualism and scientific materialism (the primacy of matter) to an integrative worldview based on the primacy of consciousness.
For crisis resolution and paradigm shifts, we need creativity. What is interesting is that in the time of crisis and paradigm shifts, opportunities arise galore for the fulfillment of our creative potential. The quantum approach is telling us that everyone today can be creative. The purpose of this lecture is to tell you how and to properly motivate you from information processing to creativity.
What is the vehicle that a creative rides? The answer is, the quantum, the quantum, the quantum. Creativity requires quantum thinking—the capacity to engage with a problem both in the conscious and in the unconscious. We will explain quantum unconscious processing; we will delve into quantum leaps that creativity researchers identify as the aha! insight. We will learn the secrets of creative living–do-be-do-be-do and the flow experience.
We will explore creativity in the outer arena—the arts the sciences, and businesses. We will also investigate inner creativity–how to creatively transform our emotions from negative to positive and acquire emotional intelligence. Finally, I will explicate the creative journey of spiritual enlightenment. The lecture will be both conceptual and experiential.
Join Michael Beckwith for “Unlock the Quantum Soul.” During this engaging session, Michael will take you on a journey rooted in ancient teachings, combined with modern principles of quantum physics.
He will invite you into a process that will reveal your true spiritual nature – your Super Soul Self – that will enable you to find happiness and fulfilment during the metamorphosis of consciousness that is taking place now. Step with Michael into this field of infinite possibilities.
Michael Beckwith is a spiritual maverick and originator of Life Visioning™ guiding you to ask the empowering questions and helping you arrive at the ultimate realization that the answer is YOU.
Michaels’s loving and compassionate presence and unique power of insight have transformed millions of people around the world. This will be an experience you will long remember.
Michael Bernard Beckwith is the Founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community in Los Angeles comprised of thousands of local members and global live streamers. Highly regarded for its cultural, racial, and spiritual diversity and inclusivity, the late Coretta Scott King wrote to Dr. Beckwith, “I greatly admire what you are doing to bring about the Beloved Community, which is certainly what my dear husband worked for and ultimately gave his life.”
Widely recognized for his teachings on the science of inner transformation and unity, Dr. Beckwith embraces a practical approach to spirituality utilizing meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life VisioningTM, a spiritual technology he developed for conscious evolution, authentic living, and living your life purpose. These practices teach us to take the experience of inner peace and awakened awareness into our everyday lives.
Dr. Beckwith is a sought-after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the Life Visioning ProcessTM. He’s addressed audiences at the UN General Assembly during its annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, TEDx Maui, and Oprah Winfrey Network’s (OWN) SuperSoul Sessions, among numerous others. As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, he hosts conferences featuring harbingers of world peace including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and had the distinguished honor of presenting to Nelson Mandela the Gandhi King Award. As a spiritual leader, Dr. Beckwith has always taught about the unity of humanity and that of all life, including protecting the sanctity and preciousness of Mother Earth: “We are to be responsible stewards for the earth, and during this time of climate change, we must reduce our carbon footprint, protect the rainforests, plant more trees and take a stand for Mother Earth as if our lives depend on it, because they do.” He also serves on the Advisory Board of Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Center for the Study of African American Religious Life (CSAARL), Center for the Study of African American Religious Life.
Three of his books—Life Visioning, Spiritual Liberation, and TranscenDance Expanded—have received the prestigious Nautilus Award. Dr. Beckwith has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, OWN’s SuperSoul Sunday and Help Desk; ABC News, CNN, The Oprah Show; Larry King Live; Tavis Smiley; and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. He is a member of Oprah’s esteemed inaugural SuperSoul 100. His new podcast, Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts. For more information visit: and
In most of modern physics, time is regarded as a linear quantity, much like space, a ‘container’ in which events take place but without actual influence on what is happening. Based on unique observations of neighboring galaxies and astronomical objects, luminary Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev developed a different concept of time. Kozyrev saw time as an active force and a flow of torsion energy that is primarily emitted by the stars but also by all other living bodies. His theory provides for a new physics in which exotic ideas such as time travel and time reversals become possible.
The Kozyrev Mirror allows for a series of experiments that demonstrate effects of time energy. This talk will present an overview of the theoretical concepts of Kozyrev time and some of the consciousness experience and experiments that this special installation conveys. Our own thoughts can be condensed and reflected in the altered time environment of the Mirror enabling universal intercommunication.
Ulrike Granögger is a spiritual teacher and researcher lecturing on the future of science and consciousness based on the teachings of The Keys of Enoch, best-selling book by J.J. Hurtak. Ulrike has a Master’s degree in Comparative Literature from Vienna University and heads the Academy For Future Science in Europe.
In her workshops and talks she links science, Scripture and meditation to teach a transformative experience for the human mind, based on the ancient codes of a “Language of Light”.
Scientifically she has worked with leading figures such as Prof. V.P. Kaznacheev and Dr. A.V. Trofimov of the Institute of Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk on the consciousness effects of the “Kozyrev Mirror” and the epigenetic effects of the “hypo-magnetic chamber”. She has just built a new Kozyrev Mirror in Switzerland which will be accessible for experimentation.
Ulrike is also known for her work with Peter Gariaev on the “Wave Genome” and holographic nature of DNA. She is a regular contributor to the Solari Report by Catherine Austin Fitts striving to take the audience out of the limited views provided by most educational institutions and media into a profound understanding of our powerful human potential.
What would it mean to discover a literal message coded into the DNA of life itself?
We no longer need to ask this question “What if?” A coded message has been found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA of each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking the mathematics of ancient alphabets to the human genetic code, the language of life may now be read as the letters of a potent and timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, beliefs or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every child, woman and man, past and present. With 114 active and armed conflicts, representing over one-half of the nations on earth today, such proof of a universal message offers compelling evidence that we are greater than any differences that may have previously divided us.
In this uniquely fascinating work, Gregg Braden shares the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career as a problem solver for Fortune 500 companies to an extensive study of the most sacred and cherished traditions of human history. His controversial findings:
For hundreds of generations, each of us has carried the key to our future as a message to ourselves in a form that, once recognized, could not be mistaken. Perhaps in anticipation of the day when the search for our beginnings would lead to the DNA of life itself, it is only through our acceptance of our heritage that the message could ever be revealed.
During Lynne’s decade-long work on intention with prestigious scientists, she discovered an astonishing fact: when people carry out intention for each other in small groups of eight, miraculous healings among individuals and entire societies occur – virtually in an instant.
In her talk about her new book The Power of Eight, you’ll hear and see documented cases of crippling arthritis, cataracts, multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, depression, IBS, chronic fatigue, and much more – all being healed just through people sending their loving thoughts in a group.
And when people continue to meet regularly in Power of Eight groups, every part of their lives can begin to heal: relationships, finances, careers, life purposes.
But as her Intention Experiments have discovered, intention in a group is also a way to heal the polarization afflicting our society.
You’ll discover how group intention lowered violence in the most violent place in America by 43 per cent, and how a Middle Eastern Peace Intention Experiment caused Middle Eastern Arabs and Jews – formerly bitter enemies – to begin sending love to each other.
And you’ll hear how to take part in Lynne’s plans to heal the divisions on both sides of the Atlantic.
Lynne McTaggart, one of the central authorities on the new science and consciousness, is the award-winning author of seven books, including the internationally bestselling The Intention Experiment, The Field, The Bond and The Power of Eight, and her books are in some 30 languages. She is also editorial director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You, one of the world’s most respected US health magazines, now published in 15 countries and awarded Best and Most Popular Website of the year for Health and Wellbeing.
As architect of the Intention Experiments, a web-based ‘global laboratory,’ Lynne was prominently featured in the plotline of Dan Brown’s blockbuster The Lost Symbol. A highly sought after public speaker, who has spoken in nearly every continent, Lynne has also appeared in many documentaries, including What the Bleep?! Down the Rabbit Hole, I Am, The Abundance Factor and The Healing Field. She is consistently listed as one of the world’s 100 most spiritually influential people. Lynne and her husband, WDDTY co-founder Bryan Hubbard, author of the groundbreaking book The Untrue Story of You, live in London. They have two adult daughters.
“Consciousness Hacking: The New Frontier of Biohacking for Performance and Longevity” invites you into the transformative world where consciousness meets biology. Discover how thoughts and intentions can activate your DNA, leading to enhanced physical health, mental clarity, and emotional resilience.
Dive into the realms of epigenetics and neuroscience to understand how conscious awareness shapes our biological functioning. This session offers a holistic blueprint for thriving, going beyond traditional biohacking methods to a profound, consciousness-driven transformation.
Learn practical strategies for aligning your mental state with your body’s potential, and experience a paradigm shift in wellness and peak performance. This talk is a must-attend for anyone seeking to elevate their life experience through the power of their consciousness. Join us for a journey into the heart of human potential and wellness.
Dr. Kien Vuu, affectionately known as “Doctor V,” is a testament to resilience and the power of the human spirit having overcome significant challenges as an infant refugee and personal health obstacles later in life. Today, Doctor V champions optimal health, happiness, and human potential, making him a sought-after speaker by Fortune 500 companies, professional sports teams, and association meetings from all industries.
An assistant professor of Health Sciences at UCLA, Doctor V specialized in Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology before seeking additional training in nutrition, personal development, spirituality, and performance and longevity medicine. He also earned board certification from the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.
As the founder of VuuMD Performance and Longevity and #1 best-selling author of THRIVE STATE, Doctor V advises a diverse clientele, including professional athletes, executives, celebrities, and organizations on achieving sustained wellness and peak performance.
Doctor V shares his expertise as a health media expert, keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator at prominent events, including engagements with Whole Foods, Bank of America, and JP Morgan. He has also appeared on platforms like ABC News, TEDx, The Doctors, and Access Hollywood, empowering others to activate the biology of longevity and human potential within themselves.
The recent global pandemic, climate change and ongoing political and social unrest make us keenly aware of our interconnection. Yet instead of being afraid of “emotional contagion”, we can harness the power of our interconnection to transform not only ourselves, but our world. In this inspiring keynote, clinical psychologist, psychoneuroimmunology researcher and Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, Shamini Jain Ph.D., will share the scientific truth behind humanity’s interconnection, drawing from studies in social neuroscience, meditation, biofield healing, and more. Dr. Jain will also teach us practical healing exercises we can use to digest our emotional responses, as well as keep ourselves vibrant and positive, so that we can better foster flourishing in ourselves as well as others in a rapidly changing world.
Dr. Shamini Jain is a psychologist, scientist and social entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. Dr. Jain also serves as adjunct faculty at UC San Diego, where she is an active member of the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine’s Research Committee. Her bestselling book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, via Sounds True Publications, is available at booksellers worldwide.
CHI was formed through Shamini’s deep desire to bring key stakeholders together to create a coherent and effective movement to move us beyond models of “disease thinking” and “medical management”, into the study of whole-person healing, and personal and societal empowerment.
Dr. Jain obtained her BA degree in Neuroscience and Behavior at Columbia University, her MA degree in Integrative Health Psychology from the University of Arizona, and her PhD in Clinical Psychology and Psychoneuroimmunology from the San Diego State University/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She conducted her clinical internship at the Veterans Administration Health Center in La Jolla, CA, and her post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research. Dr. Jain has received numerous awards for her pioneering research in meditation, biofield healing and psychoneuroimmunology, which has been featured in TIME, US News and World Report, CNN, and other news media.
Dr. Jain is an international keynote speaker and teacher. She integrates her background in clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, Jain spiritual wisdom, and the healing arts to teach people how they can best heal themselves and live life with joy. She teaches regularly at retreat centers including Esalen and Kripalu, and shares her research on the science of healing in diverse venues, including NATO, TEDx, major universities and medical centers, health-related conferences, and corporations.
Dr. Jain is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and serves as a board member and advisor for several nonprofit and social benefit companies. Beyond her passions for helping foster the world-wide healing movement, her biggest joys are spending time with her beautiful family, singing and surfing.
Learn more about Dr. Jain’s nonprofit, the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI).
We are truly multidimensional beings discovering that we have greater cognitive powers. Considering the reality of quantum physics and life being nonlocal, we are becoming aware that there is a direct linkage between us and all life forms. This talk is designed to guide and activate our nonlocal awareness which is a gateway to remote viewing, remote healing and remote influencing. This greater knowingness of who we are, helps to transform that which is around us into states of peace and harmony as we awaken to our superconscious mind. During this event, there will also be the understanding of how to initiate our ourselves through meditation into working more directly with greater dimensions of the Universal Mind.
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. are social scientists, futurists and founders of The Academy For Future Science, an international organization. Dr J.J. Hurtak is the author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, as well as numerous other books, including his work with co-author Russell Targ entitled End of Suffering: Fearless Living in Troubled Times. Recently, the Hurtaks both co-authored a book with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, called Mind Dynamics, an overview of the science behind remote viewing. Dr. J.J. Hurtak has a Ph.D. from the University of California and a second Ph.D., from the University of Minnesota. The Hurtaks were technical consultants for Sidney Sheldon’s bestseller of an alien encounter entitled The Doomsday Conspiracy (1992), and have written many books including The Overself Awakening, The Pistis Sophia: Text and Commentary, and The Gospel of Mary: A Text of Mary Magdalene with Commentary. They have won fourteen gold medal awards from international film festivals for their graphic and animation films on consciousness exploration, Merkabah (1997), Initiation (2002), The Light Body (2004), Voice of Africa (2013), Gates of Light (2015).
The Hurtaks have worked extensively in developing countries to synthesize a social and philosophical understanding of ancient myths and religious beliefs, fostering an understanding of how these apply to the larger cosmic dimension. They have traveled throughout the world and continue to work closely with many indigenous people, including the Zulu Shaman, Credo Mutwa and the Xavante Indians of Brazil. They have conducted extensive research in Egypt, which included being part of the team that discovered the ‘Tomb of Osiris’, and are currently involved with exploratory research in South America and the Yucatan, using acoustic technologies in the ancient pyramids and temples of the Mayan peoples. The basis of their work has been The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, a blueprint to advance our understanding of the universe.
Read the news, surf the Web, or look out your window, and you will observe that civilization is in a world of crises: From economic collapse to environmental decay, from social and political upheaval to climate change, from hunger, poverty, war, to even a global pandemic. Crisis ignites evolution! A scientific renaissance is shattering old myths and rewriting the story that will shape the future of human civilization. We are surrounded by evidence that we are on the threshold of a major evolutionary event, Conscious Evolution.
Cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., will take you on a fast-paced journey revealing the pattern that has shaped ten thousand years of civilization’s evolution from ancient Animism to today’s world of Scientific Materialism, and to the imminent birth of a new civilization, Holism. Bruce’s dynamic multimedia presentation provides new science to help navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, so that we may evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of the world to come.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., former medical school professor and epigenetic science pioneer, is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. For over ten years, Bruce has been listed in the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” by United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal.